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1 little bag-30 zł

2 little bags-50 zł




little shop here

third life of the rompers:) this time I cut it into triangles.

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niestety skaner nie działa tak jak powinien, ale macie tu mniej więcej wizję, jak to będzie wyglądać w kolorze.
more or less (sorry scanner) the colour version, it will be like in the pictures in june if everything goes well.

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Pierwsze prototypy ludzie! Praca wre praca wre. Będzie więcej:) Temat (w wielkim skrócie) inspirowany ptakami.

First prototypes! Working hard and soon there will be more and more! Inspiration: birds.


I found this really funny rompers at the flea market and I had to make something of it. Shame I dind’t take any photo before.




efekt uboczny robienia tekstur na szydełku
side-effect of making textures in crochet

First of all thank you for visiting this page, actually I thought nobody ever enters and now I see that the stats are really great!

I’m currently working on my final project so probably there will be no new posts until June. I promise to put some photos of the shooting after everything’s presented and (hopefully) well received. Wish me luck!

little bags for little things, made for attakstudio, you can order one here!

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we went to the park and we took some photos